A Peaceful Heart

Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Beginning....

Well, first let me thank everyone on here for your encouraging words and prayers. I haven't written back because truthfully I was totally overwhelmed. (In a good way) God is so good at all times.

**Before I begin....why do we feel God will leave us? Why do we not trust Him more? At ALL times?? Why is it so hard to trust the God of the UNIVERSE with our babies? I've already praised His name AND asked for forgiveness for my....unbelief.**

I was going to call Midway's school psychologist this morning. He is a very nice man that my mom taught his kids in Kindergarten. We had very positive dealings with him in the past. Yet, I was nervous. Very nervous. What if he was irritated we left Midway and now were coming back? (The evil one ran through my thoughts rampantly...and I allowed it) :( I even rehearsed what I would say last night in the shower. I was also worried about getting away from Will to be able to talk. Will does NOT like me on the phone...especially with a Dr.

This morning my allergy eyes wouldn't let me see clearly. So, before jumping into a Hardy Boys book, I told Will I wanted to rest them. Little did I know I would fall asleep only to be awakened by the phone ringing. (He was still asleep) I ran to the phone to see it was Castleman Creek. I thought it was my fabulous friend Jalayne calling. No..it was the special ed evaluation specialist from Castleman Creek.

I was shocked. She had gotten a message from our dr that Will was coming back. And, I said yes. She was ecstatic! She told me how everyone had missed us. That the school would be so happy to have Will back. We were one of her favorite families.

We talked for over 10 minutes. I relayed Will's scores and new diagnosis. We talked about getting him in as soon as possible. And, that we will have an ARD this week. (Admission, review and dismissal) I told her there is no hurry as I'm a SAHM now. I want this "right". She totally agreed and was so excited.

I told her the dr recommended speech and OT. I said we also need PT, as to he has lost some of his gross motor skills. She said she would get right on that.

I left the conversation just in awe of God. (Plus I was shakey AND kept making sure this wasn't a dream!!) He is the God of all. He is the God of everything. And, He is the God of my family. I can stand in awe of Him...but always I must remember...that is just His style. He is truly an Awesome God.

Sometime this week we will have the ARD. Then, on the 18th, he'll start back at Castleman Creek. He'll be in the IBIS class again. (Intensive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) My goal is to have him eventually mainstreamed into a regular ed. classroom. That may not come any time soon...but I'm just trusting God right now. He'll know when is best.

This is going to be hard. It won't be easy. But, that's ok. This is the right thing to do. We have God and I know He loves my Willie pie. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Thank you Jesus.....

1 comment:

  1. Shelley- He is RIGHT.. You are an amazing family with amazing kids. Any school is blessed to have you there. I got the chills reading this. It's amazing how much God hears our mother hearts and concerns and meets them for us. WOW... God is so good. Hang in there and know we are all supporting you all 100% Your family is very precious to us too!
