A Peaceful Heart

Monday, November 29, 2010

Back from Thanksgiving Break...

Did you know that I have TWO kiddos?? ;) I never ever want to seem like Taylor is in "the back of my heart and mind". Perhaps the saying...the squeaky wheel gets the oil is a correct assumption to make. It also NEEDS the oil.

Branson was fun. But, our vacations are never easy. (I know, I know...vacations are never easy with kids...but with Will there are some pretty harsh difficulties to work around) I'm super glad we got out of dodge. We ate some pretty yummy food, had a great time with my parents, and saw 3 amazing shows.

We had our first day of school today back from break. Will did great...until reading. He hates it. Have you ever tried to teach your cat to read? Yup. It's that easy with Will. I feel like I need some external help here. But, Will HATES doctors, testing, therapy, etc. So, perhaps I need to do some deep researching on reading disabilities. Anyone have some stored up extra time I can borrow?? ;)

Life is so full of interesting things. The more I am with Will....the more I SEE him through God's eyes....the more I love him. I need an extra dose of strength, patience, and love this week. I can just tell it. He is NOT the easiest kid to love....especially when he is threatening me. Or has his fist stuck in my face ready for battle.

Something to leave you with. Health IS so very important. It is. But, mental health? Oh man. I never, ever knew how important that is. I pray daily for Will's healing. I will never stop.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A New Beginning....

Well, we began the process today of testing for Austism and Asperger's Syndrome. We met with Dr. Katie Britt-Sharp at Waco Psychological. I can not say how impressed I was with her. She immediately put us all at ease. She asked Will if he would stay and play (in the lobby) while Brad and I went to talk with her. He said NO. She said Ok! Noooo problem. So, I went back there with her and Brad stayed.

We had a doctor one time INSIST that Will stayed in the lobby. It was the most horrific situation we've EVER been in. Not doing THAT again!

I went back for about 30 minutes and told "Will's life story". When problems began. What problems he has. How we have dealt with them. What meds he's on. The "schpill" as I like to call it.

She said with all I said he "fits" into autism. I had hit every point. **I was surprised. But not. Could MY son be autistic? I mean..the autistic kids I taught in public school didn't act like Will. He has great verbal skills. He is more coordinated. He is...well...could he be?**

He came in with Brad. She asked if it could just be herself and Will. He said, nope! She said, ok! And, she began creating a relationship with him. (Isn't that what life is all about...relationships? Isn't that what Jesus so desperately wants from us? A relationship with Him? Ohh..such a beautiful picture)

They played games. She allowed him to pick. He felt incredibly wanted and the center of the fun. She asked him to come back to play more. She'll bring her turtle. He was WAY excited at that. In fact, he really can't wait to go back! **The next eval is in December...and it'll be 4 hours of testing. Now, that could NOT be done...unless a very special dr performed this. I BELIEVE she'll get results!**

He was happy as pie when we left. He could have stayed longer. :) And, we just adored her sweet, tender spirit she had.

Tonight I started going through the "homework" I had to fill out. As I read the numerous packets of info to complete....my whole spirit began to sink. Oh, such sadness. Oh, such bad memories. Oh, the problems with my baby.

I honestly just wanted to rip those papers up and say...Nope! We're fine!! But, we're not. Just skimming through those papers....his difficulties are so many. So hard.

I had to call mom to help "pick me back up". I realize I need to fill those out when I'm super awake and joyful. My dad's favorite quote is so true...Vince Lombardi said...Fatigue makes cowards of us all. And, that is quite correct.

We go back, with homework in hand, on Dec 14th. I think my son is Austistic. I need to start saying that out loud to try to get my little brain wrapped around it.

So, I'll leave you with an AMAZING verse from The Message Bible. Matthew 6:34
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A new blog

Well, the Lord has laid something on my heart...And, I felt the best place to share it was on a new blog. Why..not sure. But, alas here I am....

Yesterday our precious pastor preached on Philippeans 4. Here are the verses that truly inspired me...4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Of course, I've heard that 254 times...but THIS time I realized something. Will may/may not be healed on earth. I pray that EVERY day. But, today....TODAY....I realized this....I am peaceful. For the first time in years...I am peaceful. And, it's because of God's goodness and mercy.

See...there is truly nothing "earthly" for me to be peaceful about. I quit the teaching job I loved more than anything to homeschool a child who HATES school. Will has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, OCD, tic disorder, learning disability, I think he's dyslexic, speech impairment, and severe sensory disorders. We are getting him testing for a form of autism called Aspergers' Syndrome. But, yet...my heart is peaceful. And, it was that Bible verse today that made me realize it. And, for that, I am so incredibly grateful to the God of the Universe. :) Joy. :)